Reimagine the way you manage ambulance requests

Reduce calls into your dispatch and send requests directly into your CAD with a fully customizable, online scheduling workflow built exclusively for ambulance providers.

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FOR A LIMITED TIME: See if you qualify to claim your free profile on VectorCare’s exclusive NEMT Marketplace.
Customizable Cloud-Based Platform
Resource management made easy
Medical necessity logic engine
Your Easy-To-Use Cloud Dispatch Center Solution

Invite your customers to book patient transportation with you directly, and manage all requests from 1 simple platform.

Manage All Ambulance Requests from 1 Simple Platform

Manage all ambulance requests from an easy-to-use, online booking platform built exclusively for ambulance providers.

Get Access To Exclusive Ambulance Marketplace

Join VectorCare’s ambulance marketplace and get instant access to a stream of transportation requests from hospitals, SNFs, and payers.

Invite Your Customers To Book with You Directly

With VectorCare, your customers can book patient transportation services with you directly using a simple, online booking software.

Partnered with 2000+ Care Facilities Across the Nation
Including the largest payer-providers in CA with more than 12 Million Members
How It Works
Ambulance providers enjoy simple & quick, white-glove onboarding with VectorCare.
Get started free
Create Free Account
Complete your free profile and join the VectorCare ambulance marketplace.
Invite Customers To VectorCare
Start receiving ambulance requests from hospitals, SNFs, and payers in one place.
Take Your Dispatch Online
Cut out time-consuming calls & faxes. Accept rides and watch them go directly into your CAD.
Join the Leading Ambulance Cloud Dispatching Network
The Simplest Way To Manage and Grow Your Patient Transportation Business

Streamline your booking, dispatching, and fleet management systems and grow your business with VectorCare’s simple, yet powerful all-in-one solution.

get started free
Ambulance Marketplace

Be part of the VectorCare ambulance marketplace, connecting you with hospitals, payers, and patients in need of reliable transportation services.

Built-In Dispatch Solution

Seamlessly integrate your current CAD, or manage and dispatch your vehicles, drivers, and crews using VectorCare’s easy, built-in dispatching tool.

100% Online Platform

Receive a steady stream of ambulance requests without ever picking up a phone or using the fax again with VectorCare’s 100% online platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does VectorCare help ambulance organizations?

VectorCare provides NEMT providers with a set of software tools to help manage and schedule requests from their customers. VectorCare also provides NEMT providers a way to connect with other organizations that need or require NEMT services. These connections are driven by the Organization, and not VectorCare. VectorCare is the software that facilitates that.

Does VectorCare help ambulance organizations get rides?

No. VectorCare allows NEMT providers to connect with other organizations that need or require NEMT services. These connections are driven by the  Organization, and not VectorCare. VectorCare is the software that facilitates that.

Does VectorCare connect ambulance providers with other organizations that are payers or providers?

No. The Organization, and not VectorCare, drive these connections. VectorCare is the software that facilitates that.

Is VectorCare a broker?

No. We are a software solution provider focused on Patient Logistics.

How do I know if I qualify for VectorCare?

Qualifications are up to the organization wanting to connect with you.

What is the VectorCare marketplace?

VectorCare allows organizations to search and connect with ambulance providers.

Tired of Managing Your Ambulance Requests by Fax & Phone?

Join VectorCare’s exclusive Ambulance Marketplace and take your dispatch center 100% online today!

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